Project Description
MOOC on blockchain technology applied to urban mobility-related use cases.
Challenge: deeper understanding is needed of blockchain technology as a tool to support digital transition within the mobility sector in cities and industry.
Main Objective: offer cross-sectorial and multidisciplinary training to accelerate a high level of understanding and adoption of cutting-edge technology in cities
– A series of nano-MOOCs to train city and industry managers
– A set of UM blockchain-related use cases
– Support assessing blockchain applications to city challenges
Related to B4UM was EIT Urban Mobility’s “Mobility Talks Episode 3. Blockchain in mobility: use cases, challenges and opportunities”
Project duration: April 2021 – March 2022
Total budget: 186,573 €
Project partners: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (coord), Factual, CARNET, Technische Universität Braunschweig (NFF), PowerHUB