Project Description

RideSafe Urban Mobility aims at providing smart safety solutions to micromobility users, operators, and city authorities through an intuitive solution that includes a dashboard and a user app
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Micromobility with new modes of transport populating our cities has implied plenty of changes in users’ habits and concerns related to road safety.
The RideSafeUM solution is based on the integration of computer-vision software, with a camera, GPS, and an accelerometer. This technology has resulted in an app that can be either supported by users’ smartphones or through external equipment. Versatility being one of the core values of RideSafeUM, the app is available to both private riders and to be easily integrated with shared micromobility operators’ apps. In the background, a city dashboard enables authorities to set the restrictions and warnings displayed in the users’ app, thereafter being able to identify and dynamically manage micromobility safety issues.
“The system works on a bilateral communication basis. Real-time digital information on regulations is displayed to the user (via the app or the operator’s front end). At the same time, anonymised alerts are sent to the authorities if an accident occurs, using a black-box function to identify safety patterns”
The solution: a dashboard for cities to plan restrictions and monitor accidents and a user app for users to be aware of restrictions in real time and comply with them easily.
Project duration: 01/012022 – 31/12/2022 extended until 31/12/2023
Total budget: 1,6 M€
Project partners: Barcelona City Council, Brainbox, CARNET, CERTH, DOTT, Factual , IDIADA, IMI, Major Development Agency of Thessaloniki, Roma Serves per la Mobiiltà, Thessbike