E-CORRIDOR, Edge Enabled Privacy & Security Platform for Multi Modal Transport


E-CORRIDOR aims at providing a flexible, secure, and privacy-aware framework allowing confidential, distributed, and edge-enabled security services, such as threat analysis and prevention as well as privacy-aware seamless access, in multimodal transport systems.

E-CORRIDOR’s mission is to define a framework for multi-modal transport systems, which provide secure advanced services for passengers and transport operators. The framework includes collaborative privacy-aware edge-enabled information sharing, analysis, and protection as a service.

The project plans to show the applicability of this framework in at least two domains:

  1. collaborative and confidential cyber threat management;
  2. seamless access mechanism in multimodal transport systems.


Project duration: 01/06/2020 – 31/05/2023

Total budget: 5.859.201,25 €

Project partners: Direzione Generale per le tecnologie delle comunicazioni e la sicurezza informatica – Istituto superiore delle comunicazioni e delle tecnologie dell’informazione, Hewlett Packard italiana srl, Commissariat a l energie atomique et aux energies alternatives, Clem, Aéroports de Paris SA, Pildo consulting sl, Collins aerospace Ireland Limited, Fraunhofer , Universite Paris XII Val de Marne, South East Technological University, Ditecfer – distretto per le tecnologie ferroviarie, l’alta velocità e la sicurezza delle reti scarl, Factual Consulting, AMTU, SNCF Réseau