[Paper presented at the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research, Rhodes (Greece), 2021]
Synopsis: Accuracy, integrity, and continuity of the geolocation signal in complex urban environments are key features to enable new mobility services in the smart city context. Galileo is the European Global Navigation Satellite System, and along with the Satellite-Based Augmentation System EGNOS, constitutes Europe’s satellite navigation programme. Galileo provides improved positioning and timing information with significant positive implications for many services and users. The system has been operational since December 2016 and can be used in combination with GPS satellites (or any other constellation) via multi-constellation receivers, already a widespread market solution.
This paper reports on the status of awareness and application of Galileo technology in the urban mobility and public transport sector and provides evidence of Galileo’s benefits based on the analysis of real-life applications in the bus and shared mobility domain.
Link to the video presentation of the paper by Josep Laborda
Authors: Josep Laborda (Factual), Sergi Paniagua (Pildo Labs), Michele Tozzi (UITP), Charlotte van Hek (UITP)