IMPROVA enhances road safety by addressing the complexities of long-term consequences (LTC) caused by road traffic accidents.
IMPROVA, Injury Mitigation to Promote Vision-Zero Achievement, is an EU-funded project dedicated to enhancing road safety by addressing the complexities of long-term consequences (LTC) caused by road traffic accidents. Committed to ensuring a high quality of life for all road users, IMPROVA goes beyond merely saving lives by focusing on understanding, quantifying, and mitigating the impact of the long-term consequences (LTC) linked to road traffic accidents.
It offers direct access to project findings and results to improve accessibility to resulting LTC scales, models, methodologies, and procedures. This will empower the global community to collectively advance road safety and prevent the long-term consequences of injuries caused by road traffic accidents.
IMPROVA is dedicated to a future where road traffic accidents won’t just spare lives but also won’t alter the quality of those lives. We aim for a ‘Vision Beyond Zero’—where life-altering injuries are prevented, and every road user enjoys a high standard of long-term well-being. Our mission is to redefine road safety by addressing the often-overlooked long-term consequences (LTC) of traffic accidents, ensuring that surviving a crash doesn’t mean enduring a lifetime of suffering.

Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Work Package lead and coordination of task 1.3 Innovation Management that aims to design, implement, and sustain an innovation framework by fostering creative thinking throughout the IMPROVA lifecycle